The great Peter Ustinov has died, aged 82. BBC this morning ran a tape of him from last year, where he was outraged about the war on Iraq and bashed Bush and his gang of criminals.
More on Peter Ustinov in this article below...
An Imperial ViewCultural ambassador Peter Ustinov weighs in on Pax Americana, the Middle East and more
Like most Europeans, Ustinov considers Saddam Hussein a scoundrel, but not worth a war that "could set the whole Middle East ablaze. If that happens, I'd suggest Ms. Rice change her name to Condolenza." But Ustinov isn't about to give into pessimism now. "I'm a strong believer in humanity and human rights — moral courage prevailing over military might. In that sense I have faith in the common sense of the American people. Let's hope we can keep the Middle East on a even keel."More...,13005,901030120-407294,00.html