CNN(CNN) -- Frustrated Arizona officials seeking two fugitives released new clues Wednesday, saying one of them is missing a prominent tooth, while his alleged accomplice is missing most of her right index finger.
Members of a task force spearheading the nationwide search for the last of the three escaped inmates, John McCluskey, and his alleged accomplice, Casslyn Mae Welch, hope the clues will help the public identify the fugitives.
McCluskey is missing his left incisor, next to his left front tooth, Arizona State Prison officials said in a news release Wednesday. And Welch is missing almost half of her right index finger, which is evident because she smokes cigarettes with her right hand, the statement said.
McCluskey, 45, was serving a 15-year sentence for attempted second-degree murder and other charges when he and fellow convicts Tracy Province and Daniel Renwick broke out of the prison July 30, allegedly with Welch's help. Province and Renwick are now back in custody.
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Day after day passes by and still the man and his ugly woman keep living up lives they don't deserve. Hmm, maybe they fled to Afghanistan and hid in Osama bin Laden's cave. :tinfoilhat: Already, Ariz. AG Terry Goddard is using McCluskey as his "Willie Horton" as a
campaign tool against Jan Brewer.