ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND innocent people slaughtered in the bombing of Baghdad alone. A million dead, all told. Random arrests, random torture of prisoners in Iraq for the purpose of terrorizing the population. Deliberating induced chaos, looting and tribal warfare.
And that isn't even to mention Afghanistan, Colombia and other places where the U.S. is inflicting or funding mass murder, death squad assassinations, massive displacement, weapons proliferation and/or other horrors.
There is one reason and one reason only that the U.S. State Department is "concerned" about Venezuela, and that is that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on earth (twice Saudi Arabia's, according to a recent USGS report), and half the oil revenues are going for social programs instead of into the pockets of Exxon Mobil executives.
China can have flights to Iran and Syria, but China is off the Pentagon's dart board, for the moment. In fact, most of the world flies in and out of Tehran and Damascus. But if Venezuela dares to do so--with all those oil profits being "wasted" on the poor, right in our own 'back yard'--look out! Venezuela is "promoting terrorism"!
The hypocrisy of the U.S. State Department knows no bounds.
And, beware, beware, beware! I think that the Pentagon is shifting targets, for fueling its great war machine, from the impossible mess they have made of Iraq to closer-to-home, "easier" targets: Venezuela, Ecuador, for sure, possibly others. I am pretty much convinced that these are not just lies from the State Department--not just bullying and politicking, in the service of multinational corporations. There is considerable evidence that the Pentagon has a war plan for Latin America on its Big Board, and all the long term, very intense psyops/disinformation that we have seen about the Chavez government, and all the recent efforts to paint Venezuela as "a supporter of terrorism" are part of that plan.
I also think that China and Russia have made a U.S. attack on Iran unfeasible. Too much risk of Armageddon. Those risks do not exist in our hemisphere, where peace reigns except for Colombia (adjacent to Venezuela) where $7 BILLION in U.S. military aid has stoked a 40+ year civil war into a regional threat--not to mention the U.S.-funded Colombian military slaughtering thousands of trade unionists, human rights workers, community activists, teachers, journalists, peasant farmers and others, and displacing 5 MILLION peasant farmers with state terror. Parts of Mexico are also a U.S.-funded "war on drugs" bloodbath. Everywhere else peace and democracy prevail--and conditions are especially pacific and hopeful in countries that have rejected the U.S. "war on drugs," have rejected U.S. military presence and have elected leftist governments to act in the interests of their people. There are many reasons the U.S. multinationals and war profiteers would want to destroy this peace and these positive developments. But their demonization of Venezuela tells us their main motive: oil.