continues and the boondoggles fail, one by one as they are destined to do by those who pathologically control the systems and bring them to their doom.
Yet, hope and trust abound like guarantees of satisfaction or your Faith Based Tickets back. Hope, placed somewhere in the future, can be robbing what is actually in abundance in the here and now.
Things will certainly get worse despite the final, diaphanous bubbles waiting to pop for those who, by denial, await a promised recovery as it if were a most holy, political blessing for the chosen ones who cling to their faith. And yet, the end is neigh and its promise of new tomorrows has yet to be divined for the faithful want more of the same and can't, and will never, be able to afford the unsustainable infomercial of the Owners. No new order will emerge from clinging, no matter what the Masters of the Simulation distract you with now.
One wonders, in the midst of the Newest Cruelty, just how far you could go here with mere words before you have ventured beyond the acceptable social norms, (of a purely consensus reality imagined to be concrete and so serious) and ordinary infighting before a word or phrase would manage to indelibly unsettle this chaotic, turbulent miasma of peace and order of the masses and set a real spark to the fuse of anarchy that sits their next to the powder-keg of unspeakable tolerance for what promotes a way of life that is out of balance with the rest of the Universe and nature as it is.
Oh, poor little you! You were created by this culture to fulfill its needs and now, there you are, for it or against it and wondering just what to do as it enters its inevitable self-destruction mode and leaves you to deal with the result. Fly away! Cling to whatever you have left! Go for you old, abandoned beliefs. Lose it! Head for the hills. Do away with yourself and those you love. Drink too much or lose yourself in any chemical fix if you can while the fixin' is good. Take the copious pharmaceuticals they throw at you and ignore the ramifications. Worry often about what to do. Wonder why there is this undercurrent that you and everyone you know will admit to feeling but can't quite explain or understand fully. Take your confusion out on yourself or someone else, but don't do a damn thing to that which has called you to this place, here and now. Eat popcorn and watch the debacle unfold. Believe that those who brought you here will fix it soon. Got that?
What might fix this for you personally, (and thereby add your result to that of many potentials) is what you have been trained to never consider as a potential resolve under any circumstances whatsoever. You would call it unreasonable, unattractive, unimportant, blasphemous, anarchistic, unproductive, counter-intuitive, irrational, insane, ridiculous, Satanic, diabolical, etc., etc.
There are at least 10,000 things calling to you and assuring that nothing more than a for or against will come. There is a failing system in place that will beckon most wantonly like the Sirens of Titan to get you to participate in a way that is normal, expected and accepted, no matter what side of the systemic spectrum you take, pro or con. That's the nature of the game when you see it. Any system of this nature will have a plethora of ways and means to keep you so completely involved in its machinations via manipulations that you have, (as a created individual) very little potential to escape or transcend its methodology. One would hope that, for many, this would make perfect sense and spark some very deep and immediate creative thinking right away. It is so simple that it seems unattainable in light of the complexity that abounds.
It would not be prudent to continue any farther than that if the idea of being credulous is considered at all important in light of the prevalent cultural norms that are defining the nature and content of what is or is not considered acceptable. Those norms are taken for granted even when norms are fully understood to be abstractions based on statistical and cultural necessity based on nothing more than a pragmatic consensus often mistaken, (knowingly or unknowingly) for concrete fact, of which there are very, very few, if any. It's a human thing.
The challenge is yours. It is one of intelligence and bravery. It is filled with questions created by their answers. It is resolved in the most simple and obvious no matter how intelligent or willfully ignorant you may be or think yourself to be.
This is really it.