San Francisco Chronicle(08-26) 17:00 PDT SANTA ROSA -- A second man has sued the Santa Rosa Roman Catholic Diocese, claiming that he was molested by a priest sent from Ireland to work in California in the 1980s despite having been the subject of boys' complaints in his homeland.
The plaintiff in the latest case, a 38-year-old Eureka man who filed suit Thursday, said he first disclosed the alleged abuse to an ex-girlfriend several years ago but had never said anything to police or church officials.
He decided to sue, he said, after reading quotes from church officials in response to the arrest of Patrick Joseph McCabe, 74, earlier this month for allegedly sexually assaulting six boys in Ireland from 1973 to 1981.
Federal prosecutors are seeking to extradite McCabe, who was forced from the church in the late 1980s and later settled in Alameda.
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And so the next big anti-church rally in Santa Rosa is when...?
Gosh, people have such arbitrary outrage. Building a mosque/community center near the World Trade Center, which was destroyed by extremist Muslims? PROTEST! PROTEST! PROTEST! When men file lawsuits against supposed pedophile priests following a childhood of intimidation? When dioceses across America have been importing priests accused of abuse from other countries? When the Vatican has a track record of ignoring accusations of abuse? Nothing.
It appears that the Catholic Church is willing to re-hire any priest who's got great credentials and social connections regardless of criminal record. Unlike other employers.