I started a thread related to this issue a few days back
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x9007850Currently there is an undeclared cold-war going on between India and China.
China Occupied Tibet and claims parts of India(the state of Arunachal Pradesh) as its own.Arunachal Pradesh is under indian rule. Part of Kashmir region, called the "aksaiChin" is currently controlled by China
The first China-India war happened in 1962 when Chinese forces carried out a Surprising invasion of India, and after few days of intense fighting, retreated to their starting positions.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_WarThis came as quite a surprise to India as a Nation because at that time, the mantra of the day was "Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai". ( Chinese and Indians are brothers) Nehru and others believed that India and China, as post colonial nations, could and should be allies in the modern world, due to their long historical ties. However, This feeling was shattered with the Chinese Invasion of India in 1962. To this day, most Indians consider this a nefarious stab in the back and don't look at china the same way they used to before. Nehru has been called (and rightly so) a naive person when it comes to his dealings with China
The subsequent attempts by China to invade the state of Sikkim (called the Chola incident) further reinforced Indian national psyche against any form of meaningful relationship with China. The last brick on the wall between these two nations was the continues support of Pakistan by China...and the supply of entire nuclear bombs to Pakistan by China in the 80s.
In a recent revelation by a high-ranking former U.S. official, it was disclosed that China had allegedly transferred nuclear technology to Pakistan and conducting Proxy Test for it in 1980. According to a 2001 Department of Defense report, China has supplied Pakistan with nuclear materials and has provided critical technical assistance in the construction of Pakistan's nuclear weapons development facilities, in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, of which China is a signatory.
China tries to get bases on south east Asia which is its vulnerable underbelly(due to the oil shipping lanes to China) while india on the other hand tries to implement its
mere-nostrom policy in the Indian ocean.
This map clearly shows the strategic disadvantage China would have lest any Conflicts develop between these two nations. India would easily intercept the bulk of Chinese oil...which is its lifeline..in the event of conflict. This is the same reason America is trying to support India as a counterweight to China in Asia.

Interestingly enough
India accepts Chinese suzerainty over Tibet but not sovereigntyIMHO India should declare that Tibet is occupied territory.
Declaring the support for the Independence of Tibet would be a welcome move by India. By freedom loving people all over the world. The occupation of Tibet is one of the most horrible examples of Bigger nations riding roughshod over small helpless nations.
India and China have historical ties going back nearly three millennia....it is indeed sad to see how the communist regime has not only cut this relationship..but also has done irrecoverable damage to China itself...with its continued disregard for Chinese cultural heritage sites...especially during the time of Mao and the "cultural revolution"