March 29, 2004 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- John Kerry is focusing on raising the tens of millions of Democratic dollars he no longer must share with his rivals for the nomination while President Bush, sitting atop $170 million in donations, is turning his attention to bringing in money for the GOP and congressional candidates.
Kerry, too, is assuming the role of chief fund-raiser for his party. But unlike Bush, the Democratic nominee-to-be will have to squeeze in events for others while traveling the country to raise money on his own behalf. Kerry's campaign and the Democratic National Committee are the top priorities, campaign spokesman Michael Meehan said.
"We are focused on raising what we need to compete," Meehan said. He noted Bush's record campaign fund raising, which so far stands at more than $170 million, compared to at least $60 million for Kerry.
Kerry hopes to raise $15 million to $20 million for himself in 20 cities over the next six weeks, starting Monday with a luncheon in Sacramento and dinner in San Francisco. The campaign expected to raise roughly $2.5 million over the two-day California trip, which ends Tuesday with stops in San Diego and Los Angeles.