Brown harangued Rice on Africa--not Iraq, not torture, not Guantanamo Bay, not "renditon," not mercenary death squads, not lying about WMDs, not bombing a hundred thousand innocent people to smithereens, not oh so many things that he could have harangued Rice about? Africa's certainly important, and we can be quite sure that the Bushwhacks were spreading death and mayhem there as well, but still I find it odd what is reported to have nettled the Bushwhacks about Brown.
Another oddity--maybe something lost in the English v American translation? Blair took on "antisocial behavior"?
"Mr Blair has long argued that his administration's legacy would ultimately ''stand the test of time', citing investment in the National Health Service, education and social policy reforms to take on antisocial behaviour as his main achievements at home."
Unjust war is about as "anti-social" as you can get, it seems to me. And speaking of "anti-social behavior"...
"He has already donated the advance paid for his autobiography, said to be about £4.6 million ($8 million), as well as any earnings to the Royal British Legion.
"The donation has not left the Blairs broke: they are reportedly looking for a holiday villa in the Caribbean, their eighth property.
"London's weekend papers revealed that Mr Blair and his wife, Cherie, have spent £975,000 on a maisonette in West London for their only daughter, Kathryn, 22, a student. All their children have been bought a home and the family's property portfolio is said to be worth £15 million."
The "Labour Party," as with the "Democratic Party," used to mean the workers' party. Workers, the poor, the lower middle class, minorities, small business people and advanced thinkers (academics, artists, writers, teachers, librarians--the many progressive professionals) used to have representation in government, in the U.S. and England. Now they have people with property portfolios worth £15 million (and worse here) claiming to represent them, but not representing them at all. Not even a little bit. NOBODY represents the interests of the vast majority of people in either country.
Calling yourself a "Labour" leader and accumulating a £15 million property portfolio may not quite qualify as "anti-social behavior" but it is most certainly HYPOCRITICAL, not to mention appalling. We've gotten used to it, here--that you can't even think of running for Congress unless you have a million dollars in hand, to start with, and that tenure in public office will mean a greatly fattened 'portfolio' by the time you are finished serving your corporate masters. But you'd think this would be a bit of a scandal in England, where people are not so suffocated by the corpo-fascist press.
Anyhow, while all those African babies were dying of starvation, and Gordon Brown was throwing conniption fits about it to Condi Rice, Tony Blair was seeing to his own family's long term interests quite nicely. It makes you want to throw up...
...and my wonder has not gone away that, according to Blair (apparently), the issue of all those blown up babies in Iraq, and tortured prisoners, and whatall, never came up.