Note: Kerry campaign hoped to raise $2.5 million in all Calfornia. Yet, he raised $3 million at one event. He will be in LA and San Diego next. Let's hope they can match or exceed SF. (on edit: I had to add the challenge. ;-)) presidential candidate John Kerry, saying he leads "the most united Democratic Party in modern history,'' raised a record $3 million in San Francisco Monday, far exceeding his campaign's expectations as he launched a 20-city fund-raising tour.
Kerry said middle-class Americans have taken the brunt of Bush's economic policies, and many are struggling "with two, or even three jobs,'' as prices on gas, energy and homes rise and aid to education - such as the federal Pell grants for college - are threatened.
Kerry's fund-raiser at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco was dominated by Silicon Valley insiders and donors. Along with a fund-raiser in Sacramento, it marked the start of an effort aimed at generating $15 million for the Kerry campaign. The drive to raise funds continues today with events in San Diego and Los Angeles, including one at the Beverly Hills home of prominent Democratic donor Ron Burkle
Campaign aides had hoped to raise $2.5 million during the two-day swing through California, but the San Francisco fund-raiser alone drew more than that. The crowd included Steve Kirsch, one of the nation's biggest Democratic contributors, and Tim Draper, a Republican venture capitalist