First of all, the current Treasury Secretary explains better than me how the tax rates of someone else affects my life and those of my family, neighbors, friends as well as the majority of the American people. But this, actually, is only a small part of the reason my life will change.
(AP) Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that extending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy would be a $700 billion mistake.
Geithner said extending the tax cuts for the top 2 percent of taxpayers would cost $700 billion over a decade and $30 billion for a single year. He said wealthy families are more likely to save the money, which doesn't help the economy in the short run.
Geithner said allowing the tax cuts on the wealthy to expire would also help get the soaring deficits under control.
"Borrowing to finance tax cuts for the top 2 percent would be a $700 billion fiscal mistake," Geithner said. "It's not the prescription that the economy needs right now and the country can't afford it." is a myriad of economic and socio-political factors regarding the current rapid polarization of wealth, other than what is described above, that affect my life and the lives of most people on the planet. If you are unaware of these factors, I recommend reading the following two books by Thom Hartmann, where these factors are explained in relative detail.
Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became "People" -- And How You Can Fight BackScrewed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class - And What We Can Do about It My life will change because I will view the action of Democrats extending the Bu*h tax cuts to people that have and use way more than they could possibly ever need to the detriment of most people on the planet and the planet itself as a total betrayal of the democratic principles that I genuinely believe in and have fought most of my life to maintain. For further clarification of these democratic principles, I will repost something that I wrote here a while back.
Robert Gibbs: "That's not reality". A message to Democratic legislators.
Posted by Zorra in General Discussion
Fri Aug 13th 2010, 04:26 PM
When Robert Gibbs said that what he called "the professional left" would be “satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare", and that this is not reality, then what does he consider "reality"?
Is his reality the belief that private commercial enterprise, in this case primarily the health insurance industry, has so much power over our government and political leaders that a universal public healthcare system is out of the question because private commercial enterprise will not allow this to be implemented?
Many polls have indicated that a substantial segment of the population, often a substantial majority of the population, is in favor of universal single payer healthcare.
So...if the people want this type of healthcare system, why can't we have it?
Seems Mr. Gibbs was admitting that our legislators actually do have to be concerned with making deals with private commercial enterprises and legislators that serve these enterprises in order to pass legislation, and that these deals made with private commercial enterprises can result in legislation that conflicts with the wishes and will of the people.
Obviously, this is not democracy.
It appears that we have corporate lords deciding what is best for us. Kind of like feudalism, where the will of wealthy royal landowners supercedes the needs of people.
Personally, I think this totally sucks. I want to have democratic government. I don't want profit seeking enterprises determining what I can and cannot have.
This is what I signed up for:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...I also signed up for this:
"and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."In my humble opinion, it is clearly imperative that our political leaders take action immediately, making it their utmost priority, to remove the corporate oligarchy from having any and all influence on our government, in order that government of, by, and for the people be restored. Lobbying by private commercial enterprise must be outlawed, and severe criminal penalties be imposed on anyone or anything (sorry, SCOTUS, but corporations are not persons) that offers any type of compensation to legislators in order to influence that legislators decision regarding legislative action, be that offer spoken, written, or implied.
Mr. Gibbs has just done us a big favor. He has, apparently unwittingly, let us know for sure that our vote no longer really counts, and that the wishes and needs of an ever growing more wealthy and powerful corporate oligarchy take precedence over the will of the people.
How naive and insolent it is of us to even consider having a Canadian style universal single payer healthcare system in America. Absurd. Utterly ridiculous.
I believe that Robert Gibbs believes that "reality" is legislating in accordance with what the corporate oligarchy will allow.
This concept of "reality" is absolutely not acceptable to democrats, and should not be acceptable to any Democrat, particularly the Democrats that I helped vote into office for the specific purpose of carrying out the will of the people.
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power." FDR
Dear Democratic Legislator: Please, fix it.
To continue:
I am quite certain that Democratic legislators fully understand that the Bu*h tax cuts have been detrimental to the majority of people of the US as well as to the functioning of the government and the overall health of the economy.
If Democrats extend the Bu*h tax cuts to the incredibly wealthy, and those tax cuts have already proven to be detrimental to the nation, and the Secretary of the Treasury, as well as most credible economic experts, are telling the Democratic legislators that it would be derimental to the well-being of the nation to extend these cuts, it would lead me to ask,
"Why the fuck are they extending these tax cuts?"
The only reasonable answer that I would be able to come up with is that these legislators have been compromised by wealthy special interests, and are acting solely in the interests of the economically super wealthy.
In which case, I will have no choice to believe that the Democratic party has become something almost completely counter to my need to foster and preserve democracy in this country, leading me to abandon the party that I have supported for so long, as well as me having to spend even more of my time and energy dismantling the plutarchy that may possibly enslave me at some point in my life but which will certainly enslave my children and grandchildren if I and those that are like-minded do not stop them or at least hold them at bay for a while.
I always believed that the Democratic party had, at the core, the mission of preserving democracy, that eventually the party would succeed in ousting the plutarchy, or at the very least, fight them tooth and nail. Yeah, I guess this is totally naive, but it is what I hoped for. Democrats extending the Bu*h tax cuts would extinguish all hope of this for me.
So it's just the proverbial last straw. Extending the Bu*h tax cuts would be a transparent, counterproductive, detrimental, and completely unnecessary action that would totally negatively affect me and most everyone in the country.
It would be kind of like Democrats laughing and spitting in all of our faces while lifting our wallets, and then merrily announcing that they have decided to merge with republican party once and for all.
For me, a betrayal of that magnitude, and the repercussions of the betrayal, counts as a seriously heavy life changing experience. I'm already tired of fighting, and having to start over again politically pretty much from scratch is literally mind-numbing. And yeah, I have learned to live my life and be a really happy person despite the compromised politics of some Democratic and all republican legislators, but don't believe that I would have been able to do so if I were not a small part of the dedicated group of people that has devoted so much time and energy to preserving the modicum of democracy and freedom we still have left, and I hope you are aware enough of history to realize that if people do not take steps to protect themselves from those greedy for wealth and power, then the greedy will inevitably enslave them. I mean, if you care about it, of course.
If Dems cut our throats now, regrouping is going to be a really dirty job. But someone has to do it...
"The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men." -Samuel Adams