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US says cannot guarantee security at Baghdad trade fair

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Barrett808 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 05:29 PM
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US says cannot guarantee security at Baghdad trade fair
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said it could not guarantee the security of US citizens at a much anticipated trade fair set for next week in Baghdad, dealing a potential blow to Iraq's first major exposition for foreign firms.

The State Department, through its Consular Office in the Iraqi capital, said prevailing instability in Iraq prevented it from offering any such assurances and noted that the April 5 to 8 Destination Baghdad Expo was due to end on the eve of the one-year anniversary of US troops' entering Baghdad.

"Given the current security situation in Iraq, it is not possible to guarantee the safety of US citizens attending this event," the office said in a notice to Americans.

"US citizens are also reminded that April 9 is the first anniversary of the US military entry to Baghdad," said the notice, a copy of which was provided to AFP in Washington by the State Department.

It reminded Americans that terrorists often target civilian facilities and said they should continue "to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness" while in Iraq.

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gWbush is Mabus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 05:55 PM
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1. sounds like the CIA is going to be setting off some fireworks at the fair
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tabasco Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 05:58 PM
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2. We CAN guarantee Haliburton will get paid this month.
So we got that going for us. US forces have been ordered to stay on their bases for election season. That security stuff can wait for later. It is more important to keep casualties low so Bush gets more votes.
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Coventina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 06:01 PM
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3. Are more flowers going to be thrown at the liberators????
I seem to recall that was the only concern about going into Baghdad...all the flower petals getting in our eyes....
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daleo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 07:09 PM
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4. Instead of a trade fair, a fire sale
Low, low prices - everything must go.
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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-30-04 07:46 PM
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5. The war grinds on
Edited on Tue Mar-30-04 07:47 PM by teryang
Tacit admission of foreign policy failure.

How much security does 159 billion dollars and 4000 casualties buy? Answer-none.
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