WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court rejected a lawyer's pursuit of photos he contends might show Clinton administration lawyer Vincent Foster was murdered, concluding Tuesday that privacy concerns often trump public disclosure when it comes to sensitive death pictures.
The decision set new hurdles for anyone attempting to force the federal government to open law enforcement files.
The court turned back California attorney Allan Favish's claim that the Foster pictures might prove he was murdered as part of a White House cover-up, without getting into Favish's allegations about conflicting reports and sloppy detective work.
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The stringers at AP should consider doing a little more homework about Favish and his political connections before reporting on him. Had they done so, the headline might well have read:
Supremos to ghoulish FReeper lawyer: Hasn't the Foster family suffered enough? At long last, have you no decency? Get your conspira-fascist ass back to Kahleefawnia!