and/or has dirty fingers in the slaughter of trade unionists, human rights workers, teachers, community organizers, peasant farmers and others, and in the forced displacement of five MILLION peasants from their lands, by state terror. The Colombian commander who was questioned about the massacre in La Macarena, for instance, said he had been "trained" by the UK military.* (500 to 2,000 unidentified bodies. Colombian commander said they were FARC guerrillas. Local people said they were 'disappeared' local community activists or members.) Also, Blackwater was just "fined" by the State Department for its "unauthorized" "trainings" of Colombians for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Was the UK also "training" assassins in Colombia?
This action speaks GUILT.
The statement that this journalist should be barred because she might ask for asylum because she received death threats in Colombia makes no sense at all. Isn't that the very reason that asylum is granted--that returning to your country would put you in mortal danger? So you BAR somebody BECAUSE they are in danger?!?
The U.S./Bushwhack ambassador to Colombia, William Brownfield, was permitted, by the Obama administration, to operate in Colombia until about a month ago. One of the things he did was to get Bush pal Alvaro Uribe to "extradite" all the main prosecution death squad witnesses to the U.S., on drug trafficking charges, where their cases have been completely sealed by the U.S. court in DC, putting them out of the reach of Colombian prosecutors. This was done in secret, in the dead of night. Colombian prosecutors have fervently complained, to no avail. They were counting on these witnesses to get at the bosses and higher players on death squad murders. (Brownfield also lied to them--said the witnesses would be made available, but the opposite has happened.)
I think that the CIA also made a deal with Uribe. He would keep his mouth shut, and leave power peacefully (no coup), in exchange for CIA protection from prosecution and certain honors from the U.S. (For instance, the Obama administration appointed him to a prestigious international legal commission investigating Israel's firing on aid boats.) His image is also being "cleansed" so that they can sell "free trade for the rich" with Colombia to the U.S. Congress (where labor Democrats have objected to the short life spans of labor union leaders in Colombia). So here's where the UK would come in--piggybacking on U.S. conquests, as they did in Iraq. Are UK multinationals counting on the terrorized slave labor force in Colombia, and their portion of unfettered access to Colombian oil, minerals and other resources, like U.S. multinationals are? If so--and it is very likely the case--then they have stake in covering up the Colombian military and closely tied rightwing paramilitary slaughters in Colombia, by which Uribe was bolstered, by which any kind of decent progressive government was prevented (Uribe's former Defense minister Santos became president) and by which Colombia was prepared for full client state status. A journalist who exposes such atrocities would give them the willies.
The U.S. is trying to groom Santos as at least a "relief" from Uribe with the narrative that the era of death squad politics is over. They can't just dump Uribe or off him--he knows too much and probably has it all on a disk in a Swiss safety deposit box. But they need to create this new "Smiley Face" Colombian government, to get "free trade for the rich" in place and to get other corporate deals going in a region that is very unhappy with the U.S., over Honduras, and Uribe, and a lot of things. The U.S. needs to get its talons back in, get the World Bank/IMF bankster portfolio re-expanded in Latin America (another UK interest) and so on. Yet more reason for the UK to suppress info about death squads in Colombia.
Stupid move, to ban a journalist. It'll just give yet more publicity to whatever she has to say (and whatever people might tell her now). The pressure will be intense to reverse this stupid order, and it probably will be reversed. What have they gained, as to covering up US/UK/Uribe crimes in Colombia? Nada.
The La Macarena massacre: recent mass grave discovered, containing up to 2,000 bodies whom local people say were local, 'disappeared' community activists, nearby to a U.S. military base; includes a description of, and links to docs about, USAID/Colombian military ops in La Macarena)*
The UK military connection and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves, by Dan Kovalik 4/1/10 Mass Grave Discovered In La Macarena