Examiner.comTwo GOP Senators George Voinovich (R-OH) and George LeMieux (R-FL) crossed party lines on September 14, to move the bill into debate on the chamber floor. As first reported on the Detroit Job Search Examiner on August 4, Senate GOP leadership lead a initial campaign in the Senate, to successfully filibuster the Small Business Lending bill.
The measure, if passed by a up or down vote within the Senate and signed by President Obama, would provide up to 26 billion dollars in funding for community based banks, to assist small business owners, with obtaining loans and lines of credit.
The Small Business Lending Bill was first proposed in the chamber by Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid in July of this year.
The Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Administration states that small businesses, which is defined as any business with fewer than 500 employees, account for 99.7 percent of all employer firms in this country. Noting such, the passage of this bill is a critical step to ending the nations' 9.6 percent jobless rate and opening the job market in Michigan, where the rate of unemployment is 13.1 percent.
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