WaPoBy Dana Hedgpeth
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on Tuesday laid out details of his plans to save $100 billion in five years as he tries to run the Pentagon more efficiently.
Pentagon spending has doubled, when measured in current dollars, in the past decade but its budget is expected to grow only slightly each year over the next decade.
Gates announced new guidelines, which signal a shift in how the Pentagon buys goods and services with the goal of continuing to save costs. The guidelines push for more "fixed price incentive fee" contracts, which typically require a supplier to take the hit for cost overruns but also reward the contractor for meeting a project's cost targets. Under the new guidelines, stricter rules won't allow expensive weapons projects to go forward if they don't stay within projected costs.
Money saved by cutting overhead and inefficient costs on weapons programs will go toward modernizing and recapitalizing military equipment and sustaining troops, officials said.
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