Really? Huh. Interesting.
According to an article in the AJC, your tax
cuts, Mr. Bush...
...boost joblessness, encourage outsourcing"...What exactly did the Bush tax acts do to create this problem? They granted an enormous tax cut to big business in the form of "bonus depreciation." Under bonus depreciation, the more corporations spend on equipment, the less tax they have to pay on the same economic income. And that's exactly what they've been doing. Business spending on equipment has skyrocketed, corporate tax collections have plummeted and no one's being hired.
Unfortunately, economists' ignorance of basic tax law is not limited to the bonus depreciation rules. Recently, the chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, Gregory Mankiw, opined that the movement of American jobs to other countries was a good thing. Indeed, back in Econ 101 we learn that free trade and the law of comparative advantage support Mankiw's views.
But here again, our chief economist appears to be ignorant of basic U.S. tax law. When a U.S. corporation manufactures in the United States, its income is subject to U.S. tax at a nominal rate of 35 percent. If the same corporation moves those jobs to some other country, it can normally structure the deal to reduce its U.S. taxes to zero. That's right, zero."
(more at link)
So, in other words, Bush policies are
already the enemy of job creation (which anyone who's been unemployed in the past couple of years knows all too well), once again demonstrating that all this administration has for its campaign platform are fearmongering and a whole lot of hot air to blow around.
Bush strategy: when you don't have any substantive positive achievements to point to, make a completely unsupported claim about your opponent's future behavior.