Published: September 27, 2010
KABUL, Afghanistan — NATO forces in Afghanistan launched two air strikes against Taliban insurgents on the Pakistani side of the border, killing more than 30 people, military spokesmen confirmed on Monday. The air strikes, which took place last Friday and Saturday, were unusual because they involved manned aircraft rather than unmanned drones, which are more commonly used to attack insurgents on the Pakistani side of the border, and which are normally operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Spokesmen for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force initially denied any of its forces had launched the air strikes, although they were confirmed by Afghan police officials.
On Monday, however, an ISAF statement confirmed the attacks, and put the death toll at more than 30. Initially, a base close to the border in Khost Province, known as Combat Outpost Narizah, came under fire from insurgents on Friday. When what the military described as an “air weapons team” responded, they came under fire from the insurgents on the Pakistani side of the frontier, and returned fire, killing at least 30. When two ISAF helicopters returned to the area the next day, they were fired on again from the Pakistani side of the border, and again returned fire, killing several more insurgents, spokesmen said.
The Khost Provincial Police Chief, Gen. Abdul Hakim Isahqzai, put the death toll among the insurgents at 82 or higher. There have been no complaints of civilian casualties in the incidents.