The guy's got the same thing most of us old guys got, the idea that we're still 18.
BTW: The GOOPers said the campaign "was approached" by a credentialed firm that did the commercial.
Morgan Freeman is mad about GOP's Morgan Freeman impersonator adNovember 2, 2010 | 12:51 pm
Ouch! Even worse, the GOP candidate's campaign did a lousy job of dissembling when confronted with the impersonator issue. Instead of immediately apologizing, Lawson's campaign manager initially said "we have a contract saying it's Morgan Freeman," explaining that they'd been approached by a campaign supporter, with a supposedly impressive portfolio of work with other showbiz celebrities, who had offered to cut an ad with Freeman. Now that Freeman has gone public, the campaign is finally pulling the ad, admitting that they'd been bamboozled and saying "this is obviously not what we want to be talking about" a day before voting.
What is a just punishment? I say all of Lawson's campaign staff should be forced to watch Freeman and Antonio Banderas in "Thick as Thieves," a heist thriller made a couple of years ago that was such a stinker it went straight to DVD without a theatrical release. I'm guessing the heist in the movie didn't turn out any better than the Lawson campaign ad.
SOURCE: Where DO they get all this money? In Michigan, compared to the GOOP, we've hardly seen the DEMs on the tee vee.