corpo-fascist press! Never! Venezuela was just designated THE MOST EQUAL COUNTRY IN LATIN AMERIC, based on distribution of wealth. Neither this nor any other news about the Chavez government's many accomplishments--nor about the accomplishments of the Venezuelan people--is ever published here. It is a disgrace!
I just wanted to point one thing out about Venezuela's election system--something I looked into, in detail, because our own system is so bad. Here, all over the USA, we now have electronic voting run on 'TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled largely (80%) by ONE, private, far rightwing connected corporation--ES&S, which just bought out Diebold--with virtually no audit/recount controls. Half the states in the U.S. do NO AUDIT AT ALL. The other half do a miserably inadequate 1% audit. We, the People, are forbidden to review the 'TRADE SECRET' code--a bloody outrage in a supposed democracy--and this culture of corporate secrecy has invaded every aspect of our election system. Our election officials act like we are an invading force, if members of the public try to get information.
Venezuela uses electronic voting but it is an OPEN SOURCE code system--anyone may review the code by which the votes are tabulated. In addition, Venezuela does a whopping 55% audit (comparison of ballots to machine totals)--more than five times the minimum needed to detect fraud in an electronic system, according to experts whom I respect. Venezuela is thus able to elect a government that does the will of the People.
This is why the poor majority in Venezuela is receiving so much help and bootstrapping--education, health care, small business loans, community council funds, support for decent wages and pensions, housing and so on--and why we are struggling here to retain unemployment insurance benefits, in this Bushwhack Depression, and may see the last vestige of the "New Deal"--Social Security--looted and destroyed. Venezuelans have been able to vote themselves a "New Deal." We can't even hang on to the one we had.
Venezuela's election system PROVES that you can use electronics in vote counting TRANSPARENTLY. Our system doesn't have to be this way--corporate-run and non-transparent. The coup that made it so--during the 2002 to 2004 period--can be undone, peacefully. But it will take a lot of education and a locally focused national movement--a big one. And until "we the people" do that, we don't really have a democracy. Transparent vote counting is the bottom line of democracy and it is gone, in the U.S. We see the effects of this loss all around us. But we don't hear about the effects of transparent vote counting in Venezuela because the corpo-fascist media, and those whom they serve, don't want us to know. They want us to forget about the "New Deal" here and remain oblivious to the Venezuelans' achievement of a "New Deal" via honestly counted votes.
The Venezuelans have unleashed something very great--with their courageous defense of their democracy, in 2002 and to this day. They voted for more than a "New Deal" for themselves. They voted for a new day in Latin America, and they and their government have been very influential as to pulling the region together on new principles of social justice, sovereignty, cooperation, mutual aid and rejecting U.S. corporate/war profiteer and other exploitation. Elections have consequences. Yes, they do, when they are real, and not some manipulated, "Alice in Wonderland" joke. And the consequences of transparent elections in Venezuela is a marvelous example of what the real thing can do.