ABC NewsFrom the airport pat downs in this country to a search for two suicide bombers believed to be at large in Germany, this is a tense time for U.S. and European security officials, who privately admit they are scrambling to stop an expected terror attack of some kind, somewhere. After first playing down the threat, officials in Germany are now at full alert. In Berlin, police were told to look for two suspected suicide bombers trained by Al Qaeda in Pakistan, and all weekend, German television provided a range of precise details. At the same time over the weekend, al Qaeda gloated over the disruptions being caused by its failed plot to blow up two cargo planes. In an on-line magazine, al Qaeda in Yemen said for an expenditure of just $4,200 it had forced the U.S. to spend hundreds of millions on extra security, measures, including the intrusive pat downs.
A special edition of Inspire magazine -- an English-language propaganda publication produced by AQAP -- gave a detailed description of how the attempted attack was conceived and produced. Calling it Operation Hemorrhage, the al Qaeda bomb makers promised similar operations to come.
"Two Nokia mobiles, $150 each, two HP printers, $300 each, plus shipping, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses add up to a total bill of $4,200," one article said. "That is all that Operation Hemorrhage cost us. In terms of time, it took us three months to plan and execute the operation from beginning to end."
The magazine also revealed the attack was not meant to kill more than the plane's pilot and co-pilot, and was meant to force the U.S. government to spend huge sums to defend itself. Success, it said was measured by economic harm, by "the spread of fear that would cause the West to invest billions of dollars in new security procedures."
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Osama - you have won. Just look at the hundreds of billions we are spending on 2 useless wars and our military complex. The hundreds of billions we spend on Homeland Security. The meltdowns at airports & pissed off travelers because of the scanners & intrusive patdowns. The rights & freedoms that have been stripped from us by our own government becauase you and your ragtag bunch got lucky on one horrible day.