The HullabalooA crowd of approximately 500 students from at least eight different universities gathered Nov. 10 on the state Capitol steps in Baton Rouge, La. to protest imminent massive cuts to public higher education.
Joining in chants such as “Where’s Bobby Jindal?” and “Stand Up,” the students rallied to voice their outrage with the legislators responsible for slashing university budgets by 35 percent to make up for the state’s projected $2.42 billion budget shortfall over the next three years.
“Collectively, we are stronger than the legislature,” LSU student Ariel Gratch said. Gratch addressed the crowd of students from various public universities in Louisiana.
Sporting symbolic Band-Aids from head to toe, students waved signs ranging from the angry - “Fight back! Chop from the top!” — to the humorous — “Iff you ken reede this, thanck Bobby Jindal” — to the informative — “1,200,000,000 = LSU’s Annual Contribution to the region” — while police looked on, standing behind a coffin that read “R.I.P. Higher Education.”
Students directed much of their anger toward Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has repeatedly said that public universities waste resources and claimed that their collective six-year graduation rate of 38 percent is “unacceptable.”
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