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Private-prison consultant chosen to run ODRC

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 04:36 PM
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Private-prison consultant chosen to run ODRC
Source: Columbus Dispatch

CHILLICOTHE -- Gov.-elect John Kasich, who has said he wants to explore privatizing state prison operations, has chosen a former longtime state prisons official who later worked at a company that operates private prisons to run the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

Kasich introduced Gary C. Mohr during a press conference this afternoon at the Ross County Courthouse in Chillicothe, Mohr's hometown. He is the 11th cabinet nomination so far before Kasich takes office on Monday.

Kasich and Mohr pledged that all state decisions involving privatization would publicly bid and transparent and that Mohr would abstain from any decision involving his former employer, Corrections Corporation of America, a private operator.

Mohr, 57, worked for three decades in the state prison system, serving as deputy agency director under former Republican Govs. George V. Voinovich and Bob Taft. Mohr also held a variety of other positions, including as a warden in Chillicothe and two other facilities and both deputy director and superintendent of the Department of Youth Services.

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Kasich is EVIL!
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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 04:46 PM
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1. And guess who will get the bid to run Ohio's prisons?
Edited on Tue Jan-04-11 04:51 PM by Botany
Corrections Corporation of America is my guess.

Just like the guy who left FEMA to run a company that got the bids to
do FEMA's outsourced work. Or Dick Cheney who as Sec. of Defense
outsourced military jobs to Haliburton / KBR and then went to work for
Haliburton after he left office in 1993.

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SoapBox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 05:25 PM
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2. MORE GOBPer/RushThug/T.HaterBagger corruption!

And just like in Arizona...Crooks and Cronies of Gov. Jan "Hate Fille" Brewsky
got their hands on the prisons, so that they can milk the state of funds.

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peace13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 06:06 PM
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3. Get it all set up John...
So we can put your sorry *ss away. You have already refused to tell Ohioans how much they will be paying to make your private home secure. Add to it the jobs you lost throwing the rail money away. My guess is that you will be ready for the poky in less than four years. I don't know how Ohio will survive your open thievery until that day.
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