could get a note she had written about single payer to President Obama in the WH, then showing up at a venue where he was speaking with a sign about single payor. She was on Bill Moyers Journal. (Dr. Margaret Flowers) Flowers was also one of the drs. arrested at the Senate., of course, Obama refused to meet with doctors and other caregivers who had marched across the try to speak with him (and raise awareness).
Heck, he dodged members of the House who wanted only to see him about the lame public option in the House Bill. Met with them only after the Senate had already passed the health insurer/Collins bill, er, Baucus bill., Dave
Some can blame it on Congress if they wish, but Obama is leader of the Party and had a lot to say about what went on in Congress. IMO, deals were made well before. Look at how fast the WH killed the drug re-importation bill. as Dems in both Houses passed his compromise with Mitch,though it stuck in their craw, just as they quickly killed the drug re-importation bill on his say so, they followed his lead on so-called health care reform.