also says this: "In March, hours after Giffords voted in favor of health care reform, the front door of Giffords' Tucson office was shattered, also a side glass panel."
Who would shoot a congresswoman and a bunch of other people over a health care bill? For that matter, who would break the windows of someone's house over such a matter?
It is mind-boggling. I mean, even with rightwing hate radio and hate TV, and Sarah Palin's target list--even with these powers of suggestion working on a volatile personality--who would actually pick up rocks and attack a home over people getting medical care help? Just that is mind-boggling. Add this--five dead people, a dozen wounded, at least one critically, in a shooting spree--over one women's liberal votes in a Diebold/Puke Congress--and I am at a loss to explain it, except maybe as part of a plan of mayhem and terror.
Yeah, somebody can go off his meds and start shooting people. It happens. That is a possibility. But only a possibility. Besides that possibility, you have to look at MOTIVE. If that is NOT what happened--just another lone "nut" with a gun--then WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE? It's not as if she was a critical vote in Congress. The Fascists got their Puke Congress. They're in charge now. A few "liberal" votes ain't gonna change whatever horrors they have in mind for us and for our country. If something--somebody, some group--is BEHIND this, what are they trying to accomplish? The only answer I can grasp at is terror--fear, mayhem, a feeling of things being out-of-control.