McClatchy (Miami Herald)Posted on Monday, 01.10.11
Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal
.About 100 activists gathered for a `people's tribunal' to symbolically try Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles on allegations that he orchestrated a spree of Havana bombings.
EL PASO -- A ``people's tribunal'' on Sunday tried militant Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles to focus attention on the many allegations of terrorism pending against Posada, although he goes on trial Monday only on perjury and related charges.
``This is not just something symbolic. We're pushing for real justice,'' said Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five - the spies arrested in Miami and now jailed in U.S. prisons.
Posada faces two charges of perjury, involving his sworn testimony that he was not involved in a spree of bombings of Havana tourist spots in 1997, and nine charges related to false declaration in immigration procedures. But he is not charged with the Havana blasts, which killed an Italian tourist, or the many other terrorist attacks and plots to which he has been linked over the past 50-plus years.
One speaker described the 82-year-old Posada, trained by the CIA in explosives in the 1960s, as ``one of the most dangerous terrorists in recent history.''
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