He was elected to the school board in the same election that seated entertainer Doug Kershaw on the same school board. (Kershaw recently resigned, citing time constraints.) Reese is a prime example of what happens when voters don't do their homework on down-ballot candidates. Unhappy with the non-teabagger status of our local paper he started his own, hiring as "journalists" anyone willing to spin things his way. His radio station plays good music, but it's otherwise very far to the right.
Reese's election to the school board was a shock to those familiar with his anti-public education stance, and it's been a constant battle ever since. He's obnoxiously disruptive and combative, and has brought that behavior into other public events; most recently, he wore his holstered pistol to candidate debates and shouted comments to candidates he didn't like.
He's been getting negative feedback to his anti-MLK rants in the form of sponsors going elsewhere. So, like Palin, he's now claiming that he's been getting death threats, although our law enforcement has received no reports. He's screaming about his second amendment rights while everyone else is reeling from the events in Arizona. And he's demanding to be allowed to bring his gun onto school property, and to hell with the memory of Columbine.
Two of his fans recently tried to get the entire board - excepting Reese - recalled. He claimed to have no knowledge of the effort. In the process of that fumbling effort the county clerk announced how much a recall would cost; the school district and county are all but broke. But Reese has got to depart the board. So we're doing everything we can to compel a resignation. We're hoping that he will consider that one of his political best buds, the sheriff (who is BFF with Ken Buck), has yanked his concealed carry license.