Demonstrators gathered Monday morning around the headquarters of Mr. Ben Ali’s ruling party to protest the formation of an interim government that includes members of the organization as ministers of the interior and of foreign affairs.
The protestors chanted for the ruling party to be driven out all together. But after more than fifty years of one-party rule in Tunisia, there are few people outside the ruling party with the experience and expertise to steer the government until elections are held.
Military tanks and police forces are still a heavy presence around the streets of Tunis, although cafes and businesses began to reopen Monday and life returned to the streets. The security forces at first allowed the demonstrations to build for a few hours. Then military forces fired shots into the air, followed by occasional blasts from a water cannon to disperse the crowd.
But at around 12:30 p.m., the growing crowd surged toward the headquarters of the Interior Ministry, and
the police evidently decided to bring the demonstrations to an end. It was unclear whether the police forces acted alone or in concert with troops, who appeared to be at the other end of the crowd.