Now that's how things should work. That's what our properly taxed money should be for. That's what our properly taxed money
has been for, since the "New Deal"--until wrongful taxation hugely favoring the rich was imposed upon us by the Reagan economic thugs and government began to be "drowned in the bathtub" (except for padding the pockets of war profiteers and other multinational corporations) by the Bush Junta, and now even the Democrats are doing the unthinkable--attacking Social Security! Soon there will be no "commons" and "common good" projects will cease. And the multinational monsters spawned from our shores will run off to China for their R&D, leaving behind the ravaged, looted, "third world" country they are turning us into.
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) will be a new National User Facility for nuclear science, funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE-SC), Office of Nuclear Physics and operated by Michigan State University (MSU). FRIB will cost approximately $600 million to establish and take about a decade for MSU to design and build.
Unless we do MORE of this--not just stop the attack on the "New Deal" but reverse it--we are doomed to be discarded as the passive, lootable dupes that we have been. The "New Deal" was the most decent, progressive, educated, hopeful, creative and forward-looking government and society that we have ever been blessed with. It was built on public works. We must restore this public spirit and then some!