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Republican hopefuls lay groundwork for 2012

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AlphaCentauri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 08:06 PM
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Republican hopefuls lay groundwork for 2012
Source: LATimes

Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and other potential presidential candidates have been stockpiling cash as they test the waters for a run. Nobody's making anything official yet.
By one measure, the 2012 presidential campaign is off to a slow start.

No major candidate has officially jumped in, unlike four years ago, when nine White House hopefuls had declared their bids by the end of January 2007. Mindful that the first nominating contests in Iowa and New Hampshire might be pushed back a month, and wary of an anti-incumbent mood among voters that could make life difficult for a front-runner, potential Republican candidates are staying on the sidelines for now.

But by another measure — money — the campaign is in high gear.

President Obama's potential challengers are busy cultivating donors, recruiting staff and testing campaign messages — conducting proxy campaigns that illuminate the approach they would take as White House hopefuls.

Some are building sizeable war chests through so-called leadership political action committees, which can collect as much as $5,000 per contributor for use in political activities not directly related to an official presidential candidacy. Others are using private groups to raise money and promote causes that may figure in their future campaigns.

Read more:,0,3165366.story

They haven't done their homework yet and they are getting ready for the next election?
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 09:01 PM
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1. At a time when we have troops in the field,
it is essential that Americans stand with their commander in chief.
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