me if this is a dupe, but it fell off the face of the earth. This is important. I think Mr. Flynt (and a couple hundred other people) are onto something. Flood the ballot. I will guess that since there won't be a primary, and anybody with 65 signatures and $3500 can play, the names will have to appear in alphabetical order.
Flood the ballot. Put Kobe Bryant on the ballot. Put O.J. Simpson on the ballot. Put Ron Jeremy on the ballot. Put George Carlin on the ballot. Put your mother-in-law on the ballot. Make the thing so big that (1) most people will see that this whole thing was a horrible mistake and vote NO to recall Davis or (2) some completely unqualified nobody who makes Jesse Ventura look competent wins, thus giving California the sort of wakeup call it has been needing for a long time.
Flood the ballot. Make Darrel Issa appear on page six of fifteen damn pages. Make it silly. Make it stupid. Make it stop.
--end of rant--