waiver for Boston last year. This shows what doing this does for the community
BOSTON – Senator John Kerry today issued the following statement on the FCC’s approval of a public safety waiver for Boston.
"Our Massachusetts delegation worked long and hard to get to this moment. Today the FCC has granted Boston’s request for access to vacant public safety broadband spectrum. In terms of what that means for the people of Boston, it is a victory for their safety and security and a critical step toward insuring that neither man made nor natural disasters will keep our public safety officials from being able to communicate with each other. In a crisis, that's the difference between life and death. Boston will not have to face the communication challenge first responders scrambled to overcome on 9/11. Our police, firefighters, and emergency medical workers will benefit enormously from the increased coordination, greater communications stability in times of disaster, and all of the new and expanded capabilities for preventing crime and saving lives that this broadband network offers. I am pleased that Boston has been awarded the opportunity to pioneer this new and improved network that will enable our first responders to better serve the public, and I look forward to working with the FCC to expand this capacity across Massachusetts and throughout the nation. It is beyond long overdue."
http://kerry.senate.gov/press/release/?id=e1d37822-e4e2-4185-8b33-485985b68aa8This is something that Kerry and Snowe worked on in the Commerce committee's telecommunications subcommittee.