The reports have shown so much VIOLENCE with Smoke Bombs, Tear Gas...Burnings...but no "bloodied bodies" have been shown in the MSNBC/CNN Coverage.
It looks somewhat "sterile" in that there's no BLOOD FLOWING in this REVOLUTION that we are all in a FRENZY ABOUT!
I DO NOT WANT BLOOD...but how could this number of people against both POLICE AND MILITARY...NOT have ANY CASUALTIES?
All day today...I watched those pictures from both Cable Channels...and it's kept niggling at me..that it all looks ...SO ORGANIZED...SO STERILE... Sort of like a Movie that was worried so much about showing Violence that it downplayed it to get a "PG" Rating instead of "X" rating.
Something just seems "off" about all this. I wish all well in Egypt and I hope they get their Political Person who will work to address their grievances.....but...there's just something that seems "too coordinated" in the coverage that bothers me that this is a REAL REVOLUTION ...of the kind that makes "REAL CHANGE."
I hope I'm very wrong on this..
But here's a link for some of you who might be as confused as I am and wanting a "Third Opinion" before they make a FINAL DECISION about what this is all about:
This is a "different view" and I don't know whether it's correct or just another INSIGHT...but, at least it was different from the Two Cables View: MSNBC/CNN ..I never watch FAUX have no idea what they are doing. But, maybe this Link could be considered a FOURTH VIEW!
Hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets across Egypt today in the fourth day of unprecedented protests against the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak. We speak with University of Michigan professor of history Juan Cole. "The Arab world has seen, in the last three decades, a series of Arab nationalist regimes, relatively secular, which have become increasingly sclerotic," Cole says.