TAME, Colombia - In the cocaine-fueled conflict that imperils Colombia's priests, politicians, journalists and union officials at an alarming rate, few civilians face greater risk than the nation's rural teachers.
Working in impoverished areas where roads are mined and combat is frequent makes life difficult for teachers. But it is their use as pawns by leftist rebels and right-wing paramilitary forces that makes education a dangerous career choice in Colombia.
Until last month, third-grade teacher Marlene Rincon commuted from the government-controlled town of Tame into an area dominated by leftist guerrillas. But then she and more than a dozen other teachers received a stark ultimatum from the rebels: Move permanently into guerrilla-controlled territory or resign and never return.
Unwilling to live with her two daughters in a war zone, Rincon disobeyed the order and is under a guerrilla death threat. She is ready to move without assurance of a new job. Many of her colleagues have made the same decision.