Messianic Judaism is Evangelical Christainity proselytizing to the Jews. The founder of Jews for Jesus, a deceptive proselytizing technique, was Martin Rosen, a former Jew who converted to Evangelical Christianity in the mid-1950's. Rosen was ordainded as a Baptist minister in 1957 and was assigned to serve the American Board of Missions (missionaries) to the Jews. In this capacity Rev. Rosen became sensitized to the theological vulnerability of many American Jews. When approaching those who knew little about Jewish belief, Rosen represented himself as an 'authentic Jew', Moishe Rosen. Yet even the most assimilated Jews resisted formal conversion out of Judaism.
"By 1970 Rosen had developed a solution to his dilemma. Dov Aharoni Fisch writes:
(Rosen was able to) synthesize a new missionary ideology, based on his earlier successes in confusing youn Jews from non- observant homes by asserting that it was he who was the authentic Jew, not their rabbis. Summoning all of skills, he decided to send forth individuals portraying themselves as 'Jews made kosher by Jesus'. Preying on the lack of Jewish knowledge...Rosen would claim that his movement was not less Jewish than the typical Reform of Conservative Jewish temple . To help reinforce this deception, Rosen's evangelists occasionally would wear yarmulkas (skullcaps) or other Jewish symbols . (Dov Ahroni Fisch, Jews for Nothing, p.26)
"Over the last 20 years, Rosen's fledgling efforts have grown into a full-blown missionary effort called Messianic Judaism. Misleading advertisements are targeted at Russian, Iranian, Israeli, and other immigrant Jews arriving in America, as well as toward the alienated and intermarried among native-born Jews. Free admission is offered for 'High Holiday Services', 'Passover Seders', ...and other recruitment events." (Preserving Jewishness in Your Family, Alan Silverstein, pp.2-3)
"Jews for Jesus and other groups like them exist and are a threat to Jewish identity. They are dying to drag Jews into their ranks. Jews for Jesus is a well funded missionary machine actively recruiting Jewish people. They spend millions of dollars each year to win converts.