In response to
the previous item about the three "suspicious" non-white people who were handcuffed and hustled off a plane by heavily armed security forces, because their appearance aroused "suspicions" among still-unnamed crew members or other passengers on the plane, some responses.
1. From my friend David Golson, who is black:
>>Unless you go thru something like this you do not understand....
I have never been detained on a airplane, but I have been in many situations like this and after going over all the details the only thing you can think is that is has to have been my color.<<
2. From Ta-Nehisi Coates, who for the record is also black, a disspiriting but true assessment,
on his site. The "security ratchet," which makes it hard for any politician ever to recommend any reduction in security-theater, applies with extra force to Democrats:
>>If Obama were to change TSA regulations today, and there were a terrorist attack, he would be finished, as would many Democrats. He would not be finished simply because of Republican fear-mongering. He would be finished because a large number of actual people, actual members of the electorate, are more afraid of the tangible--if unlikely--threat of dying in terrorist attack, than the intangible, but significantly more likely. threat of "permanent-fear thinking."<<
Someday, inevitably, there
will be another terrorist-style attack involving air travel. We know that just as we know that someday there will be another schoolyard mass shooting, and that in the typical American day around 50 people will be murdered and around twice that many will be killed in car crashes, many by drunks. changing TSA regulations may be politically risky it is worth doing.