CBS NewsLiberals in the House on Tuesday slammed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for dismissing large portions of President Obama's jobs bill, charging that the GOP leader is opposed to the policies that would do the most to put people back to work."We can't allow the Republicans to pick parts they are comfortable with and leave out what they oppose," said Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Rep. Lynne Woolsey, D-Calif., said Congress should pass "nothing less" than the $447 billion "American Jobs Act" that Mr. Obama sent to Congress yesterday. More than half of the bill consists of tax cuts for businsses and working Americans. It also includes aid for state and local governments to keep public workers like teachers on the payroll, as well as billions for infrastructure projects and other stimulative measures.With the unemployment rate stuck at around 9 percent, Woolsey said the solution to the jobs crisis "must be big, and it must be bold."
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Well, Republicans apparently think that the American people will support them in pushing for deficit reduction over measures to improve employment. Afterall, the American people have been conditioned to blame Democrats and Give Republicans a free pass. Thus, Republicans who have already turned the 112th Congress into the worse congress ever can block measures to improve jobs with impunity. Here are House Democrats calling out Republicans for their cavalier attitude regarding unemployment, and their willingness to sacrifice programs benefit the poor and middle class in order to protect the rich from possible taxes in President Obama's bill.
Still, the corporate media narrative is strong.