"... the committee has the power to order TEPCO to disclose the manuals in full."
"The request marks the fourth time the committee has demanded TEPCO disclose the manuals."
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=115&topic_id=310842&mesg_id=310881 "...The House of Representatives Special Committee on Promotion of Science and Technology and Innovation had requested TEPCO submit two operating manuals -- one each for accidents and severe accidents -- through the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry (METI). On Sept. 7, the committee announced it had received only the first of the two manuals, the majority of which had been blacked out, prompting the body to demand TEPCO resubmit both manuals by Sept. 9.
...Meanwhile, at a meeting of the committee's directors on the same day, representatives of METI's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) revealed for the first time that under the laws governing nuclear power in Japan, the committee has the power to order TEPCO to disclose the manuals in full. As such, the committee requested the minister of economy, trade and industry issue such an order to the utility -- a legal first. The request marks the fourth time the committee has demanded TEPCO disclose the manuals.
"It is unacceptable for TEPCO to refuse to disclose these materials in the wake of this kind of disaster," committee chair Hiroshi Kawauchi said. "Furthermore, the fact that NISA knew there were legal grounds to demand the documents' disclosure but did nothing about it angered many of the committee directors."
Meanwhile, a TEPCO representative stated, "These manuals are entirely internal documents pertaining to the operation of the reactors. They are not for general publication."..."