Moody'sMoody's Investors Service has today placed on review for downgrade Erste Group Bank AG's (Erste) standalone bank financial strength rating (BFSR) of C- (mapping to Baa1 on the long-term scale) and the A1 long-term debt and deposit ratings. Consequently, several subordinated and junior subordinated debt ratings were placed on review for downgrade. The P-1 short-term rating was affirmed. A full list of affected ratings is listed at the end of this press release.
The review for downgrade on the BFSR follows the bank's report of a major loss that partly stems from previously undisclosed credit default swap (CDS) exposures. Accordingly, the review will focus on Erste's risk management, internal controls and financial transparency as well as the risk-adjusted profit generating capacity of its business model. The review for downgrade of the A1 long-term ratings follows the review on the BFSR.
As part of the re-assessment of the C- BFSR, a lower mapping of the standalone credit strength to Baa2 from Baa1 is likely, while a move of the BFSR below the C- range cannot be ruled out entirely. Consequently, the rating agency notes that a one-notch downgrade of the long-term debt and deposit ratings is the most likely outcome of the rating review.
The decision to review Erste's C- BFSR for downgrade was prompted by Moody's concerns about the bank's risk appetite as well as its related risk-management policies, internal controls and financial transparency following an announcement on 10 October 2011 of extraordinary charges leading to a net loss of EUR1.5 billion in Q3 2011. Particularly relevant is the disclosure of a EUR5.2 billion net CDS portfolio (protection sold), which appears to be unrelated to Erste's core business operations and had previously been recognised at cost, rather than at fair value. Erste also announced the harmonisation of IT tools requiring the restatement of certain income-recognition accounting, raising questions about the uniform application of appropriate risk-management tools as well as financial transparency on a group-wide basis.
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Moody's Will Downgrade Austria's Erste Over Attempt To Hide Billions In Sovereign CDS MF Global went bankrupt due to European sovereign exposure, the smart money was that Austria's Erste would be "it." After all, recall from
our October 10 post "that Erste disclosed some major losses on its €5.2 billion CDS portfolio, consisting of "EUR 2.4 billion related to financial institution exposures, and EUR 2.8 billion related sovereign exposures". Why is this a surprise? UK-based financial advisory Autonomous explains: "The fact that Erste had a sovereign CDS portfolio which was not marked-to-market has left many investors scratching their heads. As a reminder the EBA stress test data showed Erste to have zero sovereign CDS exposure within its sovereign mix compared to the €2.8bn it now appears to have ‘fessed up’ to (taking a cumulative €460m hit). They also have €2.4bn exposure to banks via writing of CDS. The bulk is non-PIIGS but banks spreads have moved in the same manner as sovereigns (albeit wider and more volatile)." And there you have it: the bogeyman that everyone has been warning about, yet nobody has seen, CDS written (as in sold) in bulk against other sovereigns and other banks which up until now were only mythical, as they, to quote the EBA (which had Dexia as its safest bank) simply did not exist. Oh, they exist all right, and what they do is create a toxic spiral of accentuating losses whenever the risk situation deteriorates, creating positive feedback loops of ever increasing losses until the next Dexia appears... and then the next... and the next. Expect the market to latch on to this dramatic revelation like a rabid pitbull once the hopium high from today's EURUSD short covering squeeze wears off." Of course, the market ignored this loud warning bell, and next hting you know MF was under. This time it won't be so easy, especially since Moody's just announced it is about to downgrade Erste precisely for this reason. This move also explains why the market is suddenly rife with rumors of a broad Austria downgrade.