Now, how about the rest of the United States?
Fascism (welding together of government and corporations), unjust war (the callous slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent "foreigners" to steal their oil), crammed prisons (filled mostly with poor people, on long sentences, for non-violent crimes such as drug possession or petty theft), privatized prisons (slave labor; jailing people for profit), slashing public services while the rich get richer, high level crime (--mass murder, torturing prisoners, grand theft on a mind-boggling scale, by the elite--), militarized police forces, corrupt, murderous, failed programs like the "war on drugs," war profiteering and misery profiteering on every hand and now, casual cruelty and brutality toward peaceful protestors who oppose poverty and unfairness (starting in '99/Seattle, really, but just being noticed by the corporate press because some of THEM got brutalized)--all echo the uncivilized act of state execution.
Ever notice how it didn't matter and still doesn't matter how many innocent people the U.S. slaughtered in Iraq? That has stuck in my mind as the symbol of what our country has become. The warmongers didn't even bother to count them. They didn't care. They still don't. Now the U.S. is casually murdering people with drone bombers in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Colombia and other places. Merely blips in the 'news,' if that. Ten, twenty more people blown off the face of the earth, week after week--no trial, nothing. And no discussion. To me, the execution of Troy Davis was the reiteration of our descent into fascism. Our leaders DON'T CARE who they kill! It is a matter of no moment to them. They want and need to be able to KILL anybody they wish, with impunity. And that horror of U.S. policy has come home. Troy Davis' execution says it all.
The vast immorality of our corporate rulers, war profiteers and rich elite is summed up by that state murder of an innocent man. Nobody did anything! From the heinous Georgian officials to the scaredy cat White House, from the callous prison guards and lethal injectors to the Bushwhack-appointed Supreme Court. Nobody cared that an innocent man was being murdered! NOBODY in officialdom CARED!
We have crossed a line. The fascists' trump card, the "war on terror" (i.e., impunity for murder) has come home!
I am very glad to see at least one public official--Gov. Kitzhaber--acknowledge that he is not God and none of us are God. We can NEVER KNOW FOR SURE whether or not we are murdering an innocent person or a redeemed person and, even if we could know, the cold-blooded murder of prisoners, by its very nature, is immoral. From Abu Ghraib to here. From U.S. torture dungeons around the world, to here. From the bloodfest of drone bombings, to here. From the horrendous slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents in Iraq, to the cold-blooded murder of an innocent man in Georgia, this psychosis at the top--fascism--has bared its teeth inside our country.
Thank you, Gov. Kitzhaber, for having a conscience! But where are all the rest?