Workday MinnesotaST. PAUL - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton is urging an end to the lockout of American Crystal Sugar employees in Minnesota, North Dakota and Iowa that has created hardship for 1,300 families.
Dayton also expressed concern about recent media reports that the company has begun hiring more replacement workers.
“As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart goes out to the 1,300 American Crystal Sugar workers in the Red River Valley, who have been locked out by their employer and are struggling to survive,” he said in a statement issued by his office. “After almost four months, the lockout has devastated families, communities and the economy in northwestern Minnesota.
“It is time for American Crystal’s management to reach a fair agreement with its workers, who have contributed so much to the company’s current profitability. The absence of meaningful negotiations is greatly disappointing, given the terrible divide this lockout has caused among people, who have lived and worked together. I strongly urge both parties to return to negotiations and find a solution that returns those locked out workers to their jobs and restores stability to the company and the communities in which it operates.”
Read more: Peck, a single father of two boys, was among the 1,300 workers locked out by American Crystal Sugar Aug. 1. His sons, age seven and 11, “can eat a lot,” he noted. “It’s kind of hard to feed them when you’re not working.”
You can help the locked-out workers. Donations, payable to "BCTGM ACS Lockout Fund," may be sent to:
BCTGM International Union
Attn: ACS Lockout Fund – 4th Floor
10401 Connecticut Avenue
Kensington, Maryland 20895