I wish any of us could say, with a straight face, that these sorts of allegations couldn't possibly be true!
What sort of fellow American could conceive of exploiting the deaths, or cadavers, of our military casualties?
Seems more and more, this sort of base criminality is becoming widespread, the rats are grabbing what they can as the "ship of state" sinks.
To realize these USA military ventures(war-crimes), our belligerence around the world, and our seven (at least) current wars, are all waged only to enable huge profits for the 1%.
Our security is diminished by this adventurism, certainly not enhanced by murdering people and destroying homes, neighborhoods and whole countries.
"Collateral Damage" is murder, and to not expect repercussions is unrealistic.
The whole rotten, thieving, terrorist enterprise of the USA's 1% is corrupt from the very tippity-top down! Of course!
From the propaganda, the propagandists in the M$M, M/I "Complex" and the government, the conscienceless multi-national corporations, to the mostly bewildered, bamboozled citizens, we all are complicit in histories worst crimes and catastrophes! We, because all of this death and destruction is done in our name, and with our taxes.
Perhaps the most embarrassing aspect, far from the worst though, is that we do not, you or I, derive a shred of benefit from these many wars and our countries illegally ignoring other nation's sovereignty as is codified in international law.
Not an iota!
In fact obviously the exact opposite is the reality. To pay for the greedy 1%'s penchant for death and resource theft we must sacrifice our education, health care and social welfare systems, and much more, to pay the principal and interest on the money borrowed to pay for these boondoggles! We must also endure a police state to "protect" us from supposed "terrorists". Our airports are the front lines now, how is that working for you? Our police are armed, and armored, like special forces troops.
"They hate us for our freedoms"!
What a sick joke...