This is
outdoor temperature, not anything internal to innards of the nuclear plant. The sun beating down on the plant's roof is probably making a 100F day into a 119F day.
What's really scary and ironic is that this is probably connected with *global warming,* which is caused by combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gasoline.
France, Spain, and Portugal are having a horrendous drought and heat wave that has lasted through July and now into August. The rest of Europe from Germany to Hungary and into Scandinavia, even, has had a really, really bad drought this year.
Temperatures have reached 95F in northern Germany and 100F in Switzerland. These are places that normally maybe get as warm as upstate New York in the summer.....not as hot as Alabama or Arizona!!!
Please, let's all send some positive rain vibes to our friends in Europe - they need it!!!
And, while we're at it, think about ways to use less fossil fuels, because it really looks like global warming is hitting Europe hard.
For more weather info from Europe: