and they are the party of hatred.
I think there should be a lot of PR and info going out that the pipeline will not be providing all these jobs like the republicans say they will. I feel so sorry for the USA but then again, I am starting to worry about my Canada with Stephen Harper in power...He is a bush boy.
check out this Here are the facts:
• In an interview on CNN, a TransCanada executive admitted on camera that permanent jobs would only number “in the hundreds, not the thousands”:• The Washington Post reported that TransCanada said the project would likely yield only half the current talking point number of 20,000, mostly short-term temporary jobs.• The Cornell University Global Labor Institute analysis says that the project will produce fewer than 5,000 jobs at best---and could cost the nation jobs.• The Council on Foreign Relations’ Michael Levi, who is actually a proponent of the project, blogged that U.S. Chamber of Commerce numbers were based on a “dead wrong” study.• The State Department’s own analyses estimated 5-6,000 jobs. Preying on Americans desperate for work with puffed up job numbers is a cynical way to advance this dangerous project. We hope you will inform your readers of the facts.
Sadly, the jobs canard is not the only distortion being perpetrated by pipeline boosters.