Wash. PostA surprising fact of the GOP primary: The oldest presidential contender is a magnet for some of the youngest voters.
Rep. Ron Paul, the 76-year-old Texas doctor and 12-term congressman, is embarked on his third try for the White House, and his national youth-vote coordinator said that a decade of unorthdox statements — along with recent years of fiscal hardship and foreign wars — have combined to inspire young minds. “He’s got unconventional answers and real solutions to the problems that we’re facing,” explained Edward King, just before his walk-through for a large Iowa State University rally scheduled for Thursday night.
In the weeks before the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, Paul’s support has climbed steadily as other front-runners have spiked.
“Temporary energy” is the term one campaign adviser chose for the spiky prospects of rivals, such as Rep. Michele Bachmann, Gov. Rick Perry and the latest front-runner, former House speaker Newt Gingrich. By contrast, Paul’s trajectory appears slow and steady, and “his focus is on college campuses because that’s where there’s so many open-minded people who are open to new ideas that are outside of the mainstream establishment that they hear from other politicians,” said King.
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