From that article:
One sacked oilman, who declined to be named, said: "People have been on strike for seven months and the authorities are saying that hooligans and alcoholics are causing this trouble. It's all lies."
The Guardian makes no mention that almost all of these "protesters" are actually oil workers, striking for their basic rights, a living wage, and union recognition.
Here is a much better explanation of why this is going down in Kazakhstan: is video of what actually happened on Friday, a video that documents the shooting and gunfire, that was sent out right before the authorities shut down Internet access and cell phone use for the nation, declaring martial law. have been arrested, others denied entrance to the country, and no verifiable info on what is now happening is able to get out to the world. Conflicting details of the crackdown continue to be released by the MSM, downplaying this government attack on its citizens, but the oil workers do say that at least 70 are dead and 500 wounded. They have been on strike since May of this year.