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Boston Globe endorses Huntsman in GOP primary

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dbt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-06-12 06:10 AM
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Boston Globe endorses Huntsman in GOP primary
Source: CBS (Lindsey Boerma)

In a rebuke to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, The Boston Globe on Thursday endorsed Jon Huntsman for the Republican presidential nomination, marking the former Utah governor's sixth -- and by far largest -- newspaper endorsement in or near the state where he has chosen to put all of his campaign chips.

Huntsman announced the endorsement shortly after taking the stage for a town hall at the Newport Recreation Department in Newport, N.H. on Tuesday night, touting it as "the largest newspaper in the entire region." Shortly afterward, the newspaper's website posted the editorial, which described Huntsman as "the best-prepared to be president," crediting his gubernatorial record and credential as a former U.S. ambassador to China.

But The Globe, while almost doubling the circulation of front-runner Romney's Boston Herald endorsement, may not reach much of the GOP electorate: It's a traditionally liberal newspaper that annually endorses the Democratic candidate in the general election, as it did with then-candidate Barack Obama in 2008.

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No Elephants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-06-12 06:05 PM
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1. The only semi-sane occupant of the GOP 2012 Presidential clown car
My adopted home city and state often make me proud (treatment of the 99% being a recent exception)
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lbrtbell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-06-12 06:58 PM
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2. That subject line should be framed
A perfect description of the GOP primary!
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DesertFlower Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-07-12 12:51 AM
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3. huntman is the only sane candidate.
i would never vote republican, but if he were elected prez, i wouldn'd feel like i had to leave the country.
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