An important component of the Selective Service System are the citizen volunteers who comprise the Local Boards, District and National Appeal Boards and Civilian Review Boards. Local Boards, District Appeal board and Civilian Review Board members are appointed by the Director of Selective Service after being recommended for their respective positions. National Appeal Board members are appointed directly by the President of the United States. However, no matter who appoints these board members, they are all chosen using a set of guidelines. This ensures that the most competent individuals for the job are appointed.
All four boards have several guidelines in common. Board members must be: citizens of the United States; at least 18 years of age; not an active or retired member of the Armed Forces or any reserve component of the Armed Forces; able to devote sufficient time to board affairs; and willing to fairly and uniformly apply Selective Service law, regulations and procedures.
In addition, each board has several unique requirements:
(1) National Appeal Board members cannot have served as a member of the board for an accumulative period of more than five years.
(2) District Appeal Board members must be residents of the federal judicial district geographical area over which the board has jurisdiction and they cannot have served as a member of a Selective Service board for an accumulative period of more than 20 years.
(3) Local Board and Civilian Review Board members must be residents of the county or political subdivision in which the board has jurisdiction and they cannot have served as a member of a Selective Service board for an accumulative period of more than 20 years.
Local Board, District Appeal Board and Civilian Review Board members may not be employed by a public or private enterprise to handle Selective Service matters or hold a position in private or public enterprise with duties that would be incompatible with the duties of their respective boards.
Individuals who are interested in becoming members of a Selective Service board, other than the National Appeal Board, must apply for the position and be interviewed before they are considered for appointment. An individual interested in applying for a local board membership application may do so on-line.