Two GOP senators fly to Albuquerque to meet with Democrats
By NATALIE GOTT Associated Press Writer
August 7, 2003
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- Democrats who busted a quorum in the Texas Senate by fleeing to New Mexico said they remain committed to their boycott over congressional redistricting, even after a meeting with two Senate Republicans.
Republican Sens. Robert Duncan of Lubbock and Todd Staples of Palestine flew to Albuquerque on Wednesday to meet with the Democrats. They hooked up in the afternoon for about an hour with Democratic Sens. Juan Hinojosa of McAllen, Leticia Van de Putte of San Antonio and Royce West of Dallas.
"It was great to see our friends," said Van de Putte, chairwoman of the Senate Democratic Caucus. "They just wanted to visit with us face to face and we will always continue to dialogue with our friends and our Senate colleagues."
Staples, the Senate Republican Caucus chairman, said they felt it was important to come to Albuquerque to visit the Democrats in person. (snip/...),1874,ABIL_7974_2165027,00.html