Gephardt Optimistic About AFL-CIO Endorsement
By Leigh Strope The Associated Press
Published: Aug 7, 2003
CHICAGO (AP) - Dick Gephardt thinks he can nab an AFL-CIO endorsement when labor leaders meet in October. His rivals have two months to work to deny him the prize.
The AFL-CIO's executive council voted Wednesday to give President John Sweeney authority to call an endorsement meeting in October to consider support for Gephardt, the only candidate with enough union backing to possibly meet the difficult threshold, leaders say.
Sweeney said he is likely to set the Oct. 15 meeting.
Gephardt's supporters viewed the upcoming endorsement meeting as positive.
"We see this is a significant step toward the AFL-CIO endorsement," said Steve Elmendorf, a senior campaign adviser to the Missouri congressman who stepped aside as top Democrat in the House to make his presidential bid. (snip/...)