Najaf, Iraq - For residents of the Shi'ite holy city of Najaf, the chaos and confusion of postwar Iraq has even extended to the clocks. Nobody is sure what time it is.
Clocks are wound forward an hour during summer in Iraq, so the local time is four hours later than GMT. But since a failed Shi'ite uprising against Saddam Hussein in 1991 many locals in Najaf have refused to recognise what they call "Saddam time". amazing story of Bush, Perle, Gingrich, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Lott, Delay, Hastert... can't even coordinate setting the time in Iraq!!! AMAZING INCOMPETENCE!
Which Media Whores say Bush is able to manage the White House, our Government, our future?
File Treason charges against the American Media Whores starting with Russert, Fineman and Woodward.